Gene made a guest appearance as an announcer at this event.

A total of 54,000 Philadelphia area fans watched a strength sport do its thing July 4th weekend (July 1-3) in the Pacifico Ford Strongest Man Alive Championship. Millions more watched highlights on the news throughout the Delaware Valley as four TV networks provided coverage.

A total of $10,000 was dispersed to the competitors. 

The order of finish: 
Steve Kirit 
Jesse Marunde 
Karl Gillingham 
Jon Anderson 
Chad Coy 
Walt Gogola 
Magnus Ver Magnusson 
Mark Kesheshian 
Event winners 
Log Lift : Jon Anderson 
Conan's Wheel: Jesse Marunde 
Truck pull: Jon Anderson 
Truck Dead Lift: Chad Coy 
Stones: Steve Kirit 

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Bench Press King Gene Rychlak and strongman Steve Pulcinella


Gene & Jesse Marunde


Gene & Karl Gillingham 

Gene & Mangus Ver Magnusson

Gene & Steve Kirit 

Event Poster

2005 StrongMan Photos

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