Download or View Entry forms for
more information about the meets.
Entry Deadlines are
two weeks prior to the meet.

Supreme Iron Warrior
2012 Revolution
Powerlifting Syndicate
World Championships
September 14-15, 2013
Ramada Plaza, 160 Frontage Rd.,
Newark, NJ 07114
Qualifying Totals & Qualifying Meets

Prices include the PayPal processing fee.
Mailed entries are still accepted and are not charged the processing fee.
Submitting entry is agreeing to the terms of the liability waiver.
Supreme Iron Warrior
2013 Revolution
Powerlifting Syndicate
World Championships
$95 per Entry • $35 per Crossover
1 Division (including above fees) - $98.25
2 Divisions - $134.50 • 3 Divisions - $170.25 • 4 Divisions - $206.50
Lifters who achieved qualifying totals at the Qualifying meets will have guaranteed spots on the roster until July 27, 2013*:
*Lifters who achieved qualifying totals at other RPS events or missed the total at an above qualifying event may receive a waiver if spaces on the roster are available during their session. Waiver spaces will be opened to the meet July 27, 2013.
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